Privacy Policy

We guarantee your data privacy

Privacy Policy - ChatGPD

Worried about your privacy online? You're not alone. Today, we talk about the Privacy Policy of ChatGPD, updated June 18, 2024. This guide helps you understand how your data is handled.
Keep reading to feel safer online.

Privacy Policy Overview

The Privacy Policy of ChatGPD was last updated on June 18, 2024. This policy is a part of the Terms of Service that users agree to.

Integrated into the Terms of Service

The Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Service at Users accept this policy by using the services. If they do not agree, they should not use the services.
This integration ensures that users understand their rights and responsibilities. It is important for everyone to read these terms carefully.
By using our services, you consent to the terms of this policy.
Next, we will look at how we collect information.

Information Collection

We collect personal information to help improve your experience. We also gather aggregate data to understand how users interact with our services.

Personal Information Collected

ChatGPD collects Personal Information that users choose to share. This includes details like email addresses. Users control what they share with others. ChatGPD does not manage this sharing.
Cookies may be used to gather Aggregate Information. This helps improve user experience. Analytics tools also track how users interact with the services. Data from Google APIs is used by ChatGPD.
It complies with the Google API Services User Data Policy.

Aggregate Information Collected

Aggregate Information is collected automatically. This information does not identify users. It may include details like the operating system, browser type, and device identifiers. The data also covers the pages users visit, how they get there, and when they leave.
ChatGPD uses cookies and web tracking to gather this information. They track website activity, browser activity, and device activity. This helps them understand how people use their site.
They cannot respond to "Do Not Track" signals from browsers.
Next, we’ll look at how personal information is shared with third parties.

Use of "Cookies"

Cookies are small data files. They help identify users when they visit the site. These files are sent from the server to your computer. Users can choose to accept or reject cookies.
If you disable cookies, some site features may not work well. Users can learn more about cookies at Cookies serve as unique identifiers. They help track user behavior online.
This tracking helps tailor your experience on the site.


Cookies help track user activity on websites. Analytics tools, like Google Analytics, analyze this data to understand traffic patterns. These tools do not create individual user profiles.
Users can disable Google Analytics using a browser add-on from Google. More details about Google Analytics privacy are found at their policy page. Users have the option to opt-out of Google's cookie use through Google Ad Settings.
This helps maintain privacy while still allowing for data analysis.

Sharing of Personal Information with Third Parties

Personal information may be shared with third parties to provide services. This sharing happens without retaining or using the data for other reasons. Users can ask ChatGPD to transfer their personal information to supported third parties, but they do this at their own risk.
ChatGPD may also share personal information for legal reasons, during investigations, or corporate changes. This action helps protect rights and safety. Third parties that receive this data cannot keep, share, or use it for anything beyond the requested services.

Corrections/Information Removal/Opt-Out

Users have the right to correct or remove their Personal Information. They can also opt out of having their data stored.
  1. Users can request deletion of their Personal Information by contacting
  2. verification step may be needed to handle deletion requests.
  3. The request for data removal can be made at any time without restrictions.
  4. ChatGPD ensures that it does not sell, trade, or share Personal Information with third parties for marketing purposes.
  5. All users maintain privacy rights regarding corrections and information removal.
Next, we will discuss how we protect your information.

Children and Privacy

ChatGPD cares about child privacy rights. The company does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 13. Services are not meant for kids in this age group. If ChatGPD finds any information from a child under 13, it will remove it quickly.
Protecting children's privacy online is important. ChatGPD follows COPPA compliance to keep kids safe. Parents can use parental controls to help manage their children's online activities.

How Do We Protect Your Information

We take your information seriously. We use strong measures to keep your data safe. You should also protect your login details. Report any strange requests right away. Want to know more about our safety steps?

Measures to protect Personal Information

ChatGPD uses reasonable safeguards to protect Personal Information. These include administrative, physical, and technical measures. They keep personal data in a controlled environment to limit access.
This helps reduce the risk of unauthorized access, theft, or modification of personal data.
Despite these efforts, ChatGPD cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties won't get in. They encourage users to manage their login credentials carefully and report any suspicious requests.
Next, let’s look at how personal information may be shared with third parties.

User responsibility for login credentials

Users are responsible for keeping their login credentials secure. This means they should never share their passwords with others. Each user must ensure the strength of their passwords.
If a user thinks their password has been compromised, they should change it right away. Reporting such issues is also important. User profiles on the site depend on secure login credentials.
Protecting your personal information starts with safeguarding your password.

Reporting unauthorized requests

Unauthorized requests can put your information at risk. It is essential to report these incidents to keep your data safe.
  1. What to Report
    Any request for personal information that seems strange should be reported. This includes emails asking for passwords or sensitive data.
  2. How to Report
    Send suspicious communications to This helps our team track and handle such requests.
  3. Change Your Password
    If you suspect someone accessed your account without permission, change your password right away. Use a strong password that combines letters, numbers, and symbols.
  4. Stay Alert
    Look out for phishing attempts or any messages that seem off. Do not respond to emails asking for private information.
  5. Spread the Word
    Tell friends and family about the importance of reporting unauthorized requests. Keeping everyone informed helps protect all users.
  6. Trust Your Instincts
    If something feels wrong, it probably is. Always trust your gut regarding online safety.
  7. Security Practices
    Follow good security measures like using two-factor authentication when available and updating passwords regularly.
Next, we will discuss how we safeguard your information from unauthorized access and more details on our security measures.


Your privacy matters. ChatGPD works hard to keep your data safe. We collect only what you share. You can manage your privacy settings easily. Rely on us to protect your information.
Always report any suspicious activity. Stay informed and secure!